Reigning Champs

It’s that time of the year. Award season is here and it’s official, we’re excited to announce that Hutong School has won That’s Beijing Readers’ Choice for “Mandarin School of the Year” for the third year running! There are a lot of Mandarin schools in Beijing so getting the recognition, as one of the best schools was already pretty exciting.
Hutong School places great emphasis on using a personalized approach to Chinese learning. Every student at Hutong School has a one-on-one level assessment and study plan. We believe in small classes to learn Chinese and teachers who will adapt both topics and methods of interest and ambition of each student to ensure that classes are relevant and motivating. Our teaching method separates spoken Chinese and character recognition, which has been proven to fasten Chinese language learning.
Having been nominated and winning 3 years in a row for “Mandarin School of the Year” truly has been an honor for us. We want to say thank you to all our amazing students and alumni for supporting us. It’s been an amazing ride and we’re excited to continue to transfer our knowledge and passion about Chinese language learning to all our dedicated students!
If you want the Hutong experience for yourself, get in touch and start your China adventure with us!
Interested in learning more about Hutong School? Read our article on how we won “Mandarin School of the Year 2017” or how to get started with learning Chinese with our “Chinese Starter Kit” series.