Hutong School Monthly Wrap Up

Although Beijing’s summer is still in full swing, we at Hutong School didn’t stand still. Catch up with July’s news now!

It is official now: Hutong School is an accredited member of WYSETC (World Youth Student & Educational Travel Confederation), an organization serving as a link between young people planning to go abroad and organizations offering them this opportunity.

From becoming a true man to learning about Kung Fu
As the Chinese saying goes, you are not a man until you have climbed the Great Wall! We offered our students the opportunity to visit one of the most beautiful parts of the wall and truly become great (wo)men. Moreover, we organized a visit to a Kung Fu show, watched a shadow play and learned more about Chinese youth at the monthly liao liao event, a casual get-together where students learn more about the Chinese way of living.

Not only for vegetarians – Beijing’s vegetarian cuisine
In July, we spent an evening experiencing the great variety of vegetarian food at a vegetarian restaurant in Beijing and concluded afterwards that vegetarian meals are all except boring and definitely are a welcome change.

A journey through time
The earliest Chinese writing was discovered on oracle bone scripts 3300 years ago. With the help of Leo Fu, a Chinese character etymology scholar, students got the chance to learn Chinese life during this era and were taught logical methods which makes understanding the fundamentals of Chinese characters easier.

NGO activities
We, at Hutong School, believe that we should never forget those who are less fortunate as we are. Therefore, we regularly organize activities during which we can give back at least a bit and give a helping hand to those who need our help. The next possibility to volunteer will be on Saturday, 20th of August. Stay tuned for more information!

July’s Welcome Party
Together with our current students, we welcomed 37 new students at the Hutong School courtyard and celebrated like real Beijingers! We wish them all the best during their time in China and their future career!

Same great quality, bigger scale.

Hutong School is now operating as That’s Mandarin. Now you can expect the same great Chinese lessons with access to online Chinese learning platform NihaoCafe.