Curious about our upcoming events? 




Enrichen your life by joining our eventsCheck out our events calendar for weekly activities. Join for example, our classic calligraphy classes and arts & crafts workshops to satisfy your creative spirit. Are you curious about Tai Chi or do you just love cooking? You are welcome to join our Tai Chi lessons or our cooking activities to satisfy your 'cravings'!



It's not only about Calligrahy classes and Mahjong


Did you think we stopped at calligrahy lessons and mahjong? Check out our awesome videos and get excited yourself: Bunjee jumping & Climb the Great Wall





Excited yet? If you haven't read our Cultural Events page yet, take a look here for information about other activities such as movie nights, board games, laser gaming or charity events.






















What are you waiting for? Join our activities and get to know the community!



















Events in Beijing



Events in Shanghai