This Wednesday 12th of October, we will have a
for the Hutong School Night @ Beer Mania


Wires. A lot of wires. But at the end, blasting instruments: a guitar, a saxophone, drums, machines…
Skiv could have been such a tweaky “turn-that-button” band, but their roots made of brass, skin and strings are pushing them beyond. On stage as well as on their new release, sinusoidal waves are linking drum breaks with saxophone riffs. Feet are whacking on pedals and furious strings are filling any empty split second!

Check out their website.

As usual in Beer Mania... no entrance fee. And of course, for the weekly Hutong School Night cheap local beer and mixed drinks:

Beijing Draft 10 Rmb
Mixed Drinks 20 Rmb

We hope to see you all on Wednesday for this great Live Music Event!