Meet the Hutong Team! Meet Ferry Rebergen, our General Manager in Beijing!

Name: Ferry Rebergen
Occupation: General Manager
Hobby: Sports, philosophy and music (and going out to meet friends)
Country and city: the Netherlands, Bathmen
Favorite food in China: 松鼠鱼(SongShuYu),煎饼(JianBing),焦溜丸子
(JiaoLiuWanZi),汉堡王(Burger King)

Why did you choose China? What attracted you?
In fact I was never really attracted by China before my arrival. In the beginning of 2006 I was looking for an experience abroad and it eventually became Beijing. In April of that year, Hutong School arranged my internship in a translation company.

After the internship my neutrality towards China, or Asia in general, completely turned into passionate love. Fortunately the school offered me the chance to stay and now in 2012 I am still here! It is hard to point the finger at what is exactly so attractive about life in China. All I can say is that going for a few months to China truly is a life changing experience. It will make you feel very connected to the country forever.

What motivates you to work at Hutong School?
It is a combination of the work we do and the people we work with that motivates me to always keep on going. We offer chances to people to gain valuable experience – professional, academic and also in life – and the team we work with is simply great. All brilliant people with their hearts at the right place!

What were your best experiences?
In 6 years time I’ve had many experiences, so much that I don’t know what is the best or worst. One of the most satisfying ones, occurred to me quite some years ago already. It was the moment I received an e-mail completely in Chinese and discovered I was, after all my efforts, finally able to read it!

Thai Binh Ho Van
 Marketing Assistant Intern